潘根浓 Poon Kan Young,Kenneth
Committee Chairman | 决策委员会主席 FRICS | 英国皇家测量学会资深会员 Registered Professional Surveyor (Quantity Surveying) | 注册专业测量师
潘根浓先生1975年毕业于香港理工学院工料测量专业,毕业后加入威宁谢,这是香港最大的建筑成本专业咨询公司之一。他于1988年晋升为合伙人/董事,并于1997年成为董事总经理。 在擔任董事總經理期間,公司在中國擴展業務,2016年在17個城市...
Kenneth Poon graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic in Quantity Surveying in 1975 and joined Langdon & Seah,one of the largest construction cost consultancy professional firms in Hong Kong upon graduation. He was promoted to Partner/Dire...
苏鸿辉 Frankie So
Committee Executive Director | 执行董事 英国雷丁大学工商管理硕士 香港理工学院建筑及测量高级文凭
苏鸿辉先生于1975年毕业于香港理工学院建筑及测量专业。毕业后,他在工料测量顾问公司任职至副董事。 他于 1980 年获得特许工料测量师资格。他的经验涵盖私营和公共部门的建筑和土木工程工程合同前和合同后服务。 苏先生于1988年前往母校香...
Frankie So graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic in Building and Surveying in 1975. After graduation, he worked in consultant quantity surveying firms to post of Associate Director. He qualified as a Chartered Quantity Surveyor in 1980...
黄永彰 Jack Wong
Committee Executive Director | 集团技术总监兼执行董事 MHKIS | 香港测量师学会会员 RQCCE | 中国注册造价工程师
黄永彰先生加入立齐集团前任职威宁谢公司,于 1994 年加盟威宁谢中国有限公司,并于 2002 年加盟威宁谢咨询(深圳) 有限公司广州分公司担任总经理,2009 年晋升为董事 。先后参与了香港及广州的主要住宅、商业、酒店及工业发展项目。 ...
Jack Wong worked in Langdon & Seah before joining LESK, he joined Langdon & Seah as an Assistant Quantity Surveyor in 1994. He worked as General Manager of Guangzhou office in 2002 and promoted to Director in 2009. He has been involved in ...
李国永 Dickey Lee
Committee Executive Director | 执行董事 MRICS | 英国皇家测量师学会会员 RQCCE | 中国注册造价工程师
Mr. Lee has been working in the Quantity Surveying industry for 23 years. He has well experience in commercial, residential, hotel and office projects in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Fuzhou, Wuhan and other places in China. ...
王乔 Wang Qiao
Committee Executive Director | 执行董事 MRICS | 英国皇家特许测量师学会会员
Ms. Wang has participated in different types of projects such as residential, schools, shopping malls and office buildings, and including Tianjin landmark “Tianjin World Financial Center” and “Goldin Metropolitan 117 Building” which are sup...